Modular pie making machines. Effective solutions for fast simpler production

Determining the costs

To start you need to know all our costs, particularly our consumables like electricity which in some countries like South Africa, has become one of the higher costs.


To determine your costs accurately, use our growing list of invaluable calculators below.

  1. Electricity Usage Calculator
  2. Pie Costing Analysis Calculator
  3. Baking Units Conversion Calculator
  4. Pie Manufacturing Complete Businesses Calculator

Lets first determine what our quantities and their costs are by answering the following;

  • How many pies per day do we want to make?
  • What is the filling and pastry weight per pie?
  • What are the costs of the pastry and filling respectively?

Determining your daily production volume of pies is important. You have to have a goal or production volume capacity that is set; which forms part of your management system later. This capacity can be changed as you grow. In fact, having a set goal and plan makes growing and scaling your business simpler and less risky.

 Due to Adobe Flash being discontinued with HTML5 being the new standard and with Adobe Flash being a serious security vulnerability and no longer supported, our calculators do not function.

We are re-creating all our calculators within a different universal platform to be available soonest.

This calculator lists the kitchen appliances with their measured usage measured in kWh (kilowatts used per hour)
Only change the hours/day and Days/month used values; As well as the Rate which you are billed. 

To calculate an accurate cost of your electricity usage, you can get the Rate you are charged off of your monthly electricity bill.

Pie costs are influenced by many factors far beyond the obvious such as raw material costs and labour. Very importantly, bakery equipment the type and quality thereof particularly their running costs, as well as the production processes and all its many variables. Factory size, layout and its ergonomics are massive factors that require streamlining for successful profitable pie production. 

Input your costing data using our pie calculators and get more healthy profit into your pies.



In US $

Converts your measurements from Metric to Imperial

Click on the image below start converting

Your final step in determining your pie businesses viability.

Follow the instructions and be sure not to leave anything out for a comprehensive ‘Return on Investment’ result.

This calculator works in any currency; Add your currency values ignoring the R symbol.